Monday, December 12, 2016

A student life event I went to was a little get together in SJ lounge. It was right before Halloween and me and two of my friends went over. It was actually pretty fun we made postions of different colors. And to be honest I actually still have mine. But not just that , they were teaching us how getting drunk isn't cool and how when you drink it can throw your vision off alittle. So they gave of the drunken goggles as they call it and we put them on and have to walk in a straight line. And it was hard for everyone. But the point was to show us that drinking and getting drunk isn't cool and that you could possible hurt someone or yourself. I thought it was a really good informative / smart activity the RAs put together.  Because even though I don't drink it gave me chance to see and experience what it's almost like to be drunk and I didn't like it at all, so I know that I never want to get drunk or drink because that's actually a scary feeling also.

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