Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Detention Center

      I was able to go to the Richmond protest that my school was having. Even though I couldn't stay very long I was actually glad I went to support and help. It was actually amazing more people were there then I expected. I seen a lot of people from my school that I didn't even think would be there, they actually supported to and I was glad I was able to give alittle of my time to be there to back them up. This was actually one of the first protest like that I have even been to and to be honest I actually found it quite interesting . I wish I was able to stay long but I know even one who went appreciated me coming and each other and I believe they all did the right thing and went to support in something they really believe in. Which is great because it actually got others to stop and come support with them also. But all in all , my time there was greatly appreciated and I appreciated being able to be apart of something like that. Also to be able to show my support to everyone that was there.

Monday, December 12, 2016

One of the student performances that I went to was actually a theater show performance here in the theatre. The play was called amateurs , and I thought it was actually put on very well done. I was hearing that it was a good play and so I decided to check it out also, and I was really surprised and shocked at how good / funny it was. Some of the actors in it were actually friends of mine and so I was able to congratulate them on how well they did. I was very entertained the whole performance.  I would love to go back in time and watch it again or go to another performance here. I enjoyed it that much. Also because I was able to laugh and focus on the play instead of schoolwork or something else. So it gave me chance to relax , watch it , and enjoy while I was there.

A student life event I went to was a little get together in SJ lounge. It was right before Halloween and me and two of my friends went over. It was actually pretty fun we made postions of different colors. And to be honest I actually still have mine. But not just that , they were teaching us how getting drunk isn't cool and how when you drink it can throw your vision off alittle. So they gave of the drunken goggles as they call it and we put them on and have to walk in a straight line. And it was hard for everyone. But the point was to show us that drinking and getting drunk isn't cool and that you could possible hurt someone or yourself. I thought it was a really good informative / smart activity the RAs put together.  Because even though I don't drink it gave me chance to see and experience what it's almost like to be drunk and I didn't like it at all, so I know that I never want to get drunk or drink because that's actually a scary feeling also.

     The most work that I am really proud of this year would have to be in my lab and my biology class. In my biology class one of the works I am most proud of is actually the class work we did last week. I am most proud of that Bc at the beginning it was a little difficult for me but I started getting more and more help that I needed and I was able to do the rest of the work on my own and I got things correct and I was really proud of myself. Another I was really proud of from that same class is we did a huge poster and the cell cycle and meiosis and mitosis. And I would have to say I'm not really a good drawer but I did a pretty good job on the poster and by doing the poster it actually helped me understand everything better then before. And lastly the third thing I am most proud of is my lab work. People think that lab is all really easy and you just do experiments, all though some of that is true, it's actually a sort of difficult class. A lot of it refers to your bio class so you have to make you understand everything in your bio in order to do the lab. And even though we did slot of experiments you have to make sure everything went right and record all your data which is what I did and I'm really proud of myself for that and getting through everything in that class.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

research project

                               Alissa Robinson

The article explains how children behave with eachother in groups together. It sets up a little small test group to see how well the kids work together and what their behind is like with each other. One group is their interaction on something they already know how to do vs something they don't know how to do. Which is the other group. Then they did the test as all the kids were in the same class together and recorded what they saw happened between the kids. It turns out that the ones in the trained group knew how to do everything and performed better but they actually helped the ones in the untrained group. So the trained group did a lot better and behavior and interaction was better then the other group who didn't know how to do the task they were given at the beginning.

That summary was included in my groups / class research project. We gave a presentation to other classes to inform them of the information. It was really interesting to hear what other peers had to say about the topic and some of the topics that's they covered. I was actually quite surprised at some of the things they were saying. For example one group talked about a student who actually came here and his life / background story . It was interesting Bc you wouldn't even think he went through anything like that. All in all , I enjoyed the whole presentations and who actually like to even learn alittle more about some of the other topics that were given.

Monday, October 17, 2016

call to action day

                                                                                                                          Alissa Robinson

                                                        Call to Action Day   

   For Call to Action Day , my class and I went to the Marine Science Institution. We were there to help chaperone fifth graders from Ravens Wood School. We went on a boat all the way out by South San Francisco. It was actually a really nice experience. Not just for myself but my other classmates actually enjoyed it. And I know that the kids also enjoyed everything that we did that day.

    We were split into groups. There was about four different groups, and we all went around to different stations, with our fifth graders. There was four different stations set up for everyone. The first one me and my group were at was called the mud stations. You would drop a shovel to pick up the mud and then see what you picked up. I was there to just help the kids with any questions or concerns that they had.Which was actually turned out to be really interesting to myself.

    Then we went to the catching fish station, then learning about the sea creatures, then about the water and its temperature. A lot of the information was actually informative. Some of the stuff that was shared, I didn’t know and thought it was pretty cool. If I could back I definitely would.

    It was a great experience because I was able to work with children. I like working with children, especially because that’s something I want to do later in life. I am glad that I was giving this opportunity to not only work with kids, but learn some new facts about the ocean. So now I have even more practice with children and more information to add to the things I already know. All in all, I had a good time and would consider definitely do it again, if giving the chance to.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Fixed Mindset

                                                                                                                  Alissa Robinson
                                                          Having a Fixed Mindset

I believe I have a fixed mindset on when it comes to test taking mostly. Like I'll be so scared because I want to pass it with a good score. I would get freaked out and sike myself out and start thinking that I won't pass. And of course if you think like that then those all the type of results you are going to get. I used to remember my mom saying if I think positive then positive things will happen so I actually going to listen to what she said now and start thinking my positively, so that way my fixed mindset on taking test becomes a growth mindset, and I can have more confidence in myself when I am about to take a test. I believe that if everyone started to think like that , the outcome o the things they do will be much better, and even if it does not happen the first time , then retry and it'll eventually turn out in your favor.


                                                                                                                Alissa Robinson

Last Friday was actually a really interesting day. We got to meet out freshman seminar teacher and it was a good experience. Also we are going to be working with the Marine science institution. When we work with them we are not only going to be  experiencing the time being there we are going to be working with fourth graders. I personally think it is a really good idea because I want to go up and work with kids so I think it will be a really good experience for me. All in all I am looking forward to the class and whatever comes next. The hallmark that best goes with my reflection is hallmark number six, that we create community among others .I think that one is best because we are working with a community when we go to the Marine Science Institution and the kids from Ravenswood School.